Demonstrating ITCH v.1.
On the sunny morning of January 21st, Shipshave was invited to demonstrate the ITCH v.1 onboard a Platform Supply vessel trading in the Stavanger area.
The team from Shipshave turned around quickly and mobilized on the marine logistic base approx. 1,5 hr later.
The master and crew, as well as Charterer shared our enthusiasm for the outlook of removing 3 years of fouling in a few hours. And that we did, however at a stage we had to throw in the towel due to the severe weather conditions. Despite of the equipment not performing optimally due to the high seas and strong winds, we still managed to remove fouling during the time we were operative. We know now that winds gusting at 55 knots is a bit too much. For the vessel and crew that was peanuts. The ITCH, dependent on steady water pressure readings, was challenged.
Again, thanks to ALL involved. We hope to come back and complete the demonstration calmer conditions.
Testing on a 70m Cargo-/Container ship
The Owners of the cargo ship allowed a team of 2 from Shipshave to embark at Husøy for the journey to Ølen to test some new features to complement the In-Transit Cleaning of Hulls.
We are quite excited to say that the innovation was tested successfully on both sides of the vessel sailing at ca 10 knots.
Many thanks to the Owner and crew.
Testing on a 111m bulker
The good vessel from Berge Rederi was loading north of Bergen bound for the continent. Shipshave’s team embarked in the afternoon and tested successfully new features for In-Transit Cleaning of Hulls (ITCH) while the vessel was steaming towards a bunker quay in the Haugesund-area.
Many thanks to the Owner and crew.
Testing on a 200m bulker
The bulker had completed lightering operations prior to the last leg on its journey to Sauda for final discharge. With 2 winches we were able to do function testing on both sides of the vessel simultaneously, thereby verifying satisfactory operation of ITCH v1.0 during transit at approx. 13 knots. Thanks to all involved allowing us to embark.
Testing on Cargo/Containership between Torvastad and Bergen in the dark.
As we are approaching the autumn and winter we will no doubt face darkness during hours of testing.
We embarked at Torvastad on the Karmøy-based vessel with lighting features fixed onto the ITCH.
The vessel was approximate 102m long, 4604Dwt and steaming at ca 12 knots.
The ITCH was tested successfully and we arrived safe and sound in Bergen. Despite of the scope on deck being less efficient when operating after daylight, it is doable, but daylight is optimal.
Thanks again to the crew and the Owner allowing us to on the vessel for fine tuning of our solution.
Testing on a 134m, 11.153Dwt Container Feeder vessel
A test was performed on a 134m, 11.153Dwt Container Feeder vessel “Coneste”.
Within a 4 day period we have been fortunate to be able to test on the largest and the fastest vessels made available to us.
When the opportunity to test on a vessel steaming at high speeds presented itself, we had to go for it. Shipshave is very grateful to North Sea Container Line and Myklebusthaug Management making the good vessel and crew available to our test team.
The ship had drydocked approx. 3 years ago. Primary testing target was to observe performance in high speeds. The Shipshave ITCH was successfully tested up to 17 knots between Tananager and Husøy.
Testing on a 199,99m length 63.495Dwt Bulk Carrier
A test was performed on a 199,99m length 63.495Dwt Bulk Carrier.
For the first time the team from Shiphave did not embark in a port. Our equipment was shipped out to the test vessel on the day before the test. We caught a ride with the pilot on a taxi boat to the bulk carrier at anchorage.
The ship had very recently undergone in water hull cleaning. Primary testing target was to observe performance in the barrier layer aft on a 200m long vessel. The Shipshave ITCH was tested successfully up to 12 knots between Åmøyfjorden and Sauda.