Re-testing a 63.334 Dwt Bulk Carrier
Embarking at 7:30 am on the 20th of August it made it the second voyage on the same vessel within a week. The bulk carrier departed Sauda after completing the discharging operations.
It was the first time that our team disembarked offshore to a taxi boat. The ambient conditions were optimal.
The image is from a successful Cross Bow Deployment where the ITCH rides the bulb.
Thanks to the vessel’s crew and ship management & Owners for making the vessel available to Shipshave again on short notice.

Testing of ITCH on a 63.334 Dwt Bulk Carrier
At 06:30 am on Sunday the 15th of Aug. Shipshave shared a ride with the pilot from Stavanger to a bulk carrier anchored mid fjord. From there we performed development testing underway towards the final discharge port of Sauda in summer rain.
Thanks to the vessel’s crew and ship management & Owners for making the vessel available to Shipshave.
Shipshave’s organization is growing
Mohammed Nizar is a Naval Architect who has extensive education in the marine field with a Master’s Degree in Marine Technology, specialized in Marine Hydrodynamics from NTNU and an experienced Ship Surveyor from a leading ship classification society.
As Customer Success Manager he will be a link between Sales and R&D with direct communication with the end users.
Please welcome Nizar!
Testing of ITCH on a 58000 Dwt Bulk Carrier
On the evening of the 7th July Shipshave embarked a large Bulk Carrier to perform valuable development testing on the following day.
Our Barnacles removal tool was tested in operation for the very first time. It was very successful testing.
Thanks to the vessel’s crew and ship management & Owners for making the vessel available to Shipshave.
Early mover Odfjell brings on Shipshave's In-Transit Cleaning of Hulls
Odfjell is recognized as a progressive Owner and Shipshave is proud to assume the role as a supplier to an operator with a clear path towards a more sustainable future for shipping.
In todays world it is Go green or go home!
The article can be read in full via this link;
Testing of ITCH on a 53000 Dwt Bulk Carrier
On the afternoon of Friday 14th May Shipshave embarked a large Bulk Carrier to perform development testing. Several milestones were crossed during this test.
– One test engineer from Shipshave joined the vessel, well aided by the vessel’s crew
– A remote support team aided the onboard test engineer
– The first 2 legged voyage with a cabin made available
Thanks to the Charterer, the vessel’s crew and management for making the vessel available to Shipshave.
A good read on ITCH v.1 in an industry magazine
Dry bulk is, and will be in the continuation, a segment of paramount importance to Shipshave. We are happy that has shown a keen interest in ITCH v.1.
Check out page 27 following this link.
Demonstration of ITCH v.1 onboard a 4.900 Dwt Platform Supply Vessel
On 23rd of February we were invited to perform demonstration of ITCH v.1 for a major Charterer onboard a tier 1 PSV.
Despite the ambient condition being in excess of the operation window for ITCH v.1 we are able to, through top of the class cooperation with the vessel’s crew, perform beyond what we thought would be possible. We believe that under improved weather conditions we could have done even better, but it is good to have a target to stretch for.
Footage from 8 hours of video recorded in the dark await close studies from Shipshave. We aim and hope to be able to share uplifting news as a result of this demonstration.
Thanks to the crew, their management and Charterer allowing Shipshave to perform speed tests for hours in the fjords around Stavanger.
The image shows that the well-established fouling has foliated the self-polishing antifouling thereby preventing the antifouling to function as intended. The fouling has been removed with soft brushes reestablishing contact between the red colored antifouling and the ambiance.
At constant power, the vessel increased speed by 5.6% after the cleaning. This may indicate a 17% more efficient hull.